Ben-Tsiyon Klibansky
Historian & Electronics Engineer

Pirke Hekhalot
ISBN 965-90363-0-2
The book Pirke Hekhalot presents ancient mystical traditions that deal with the “descent” into the celestial chariot, the description of the Supreme Hekhalot and the swearing of angels. The time of the formation of these traditions is the period of the Mishnah, the Talmud and the Midrashim, and some of them were attributed to the great Tannaim Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Akiva. Being in the field of mysticism, they were not common among the people, and their fate changed from the fate of midrashic and halakhic traditions that were well absorbed by the Jewish public. Sacred individuals passed down the Hekhalot traditions from generation to generation, and they were last edited by the Ashkenaz Hasidim in the 13th century. A little bit of this editing was published with the advent of printing, but there was a lot of confusion in these books due to the changes in the manuscript versions and the countless disruptions that have accumulated in them over the generations.

In accordance with the conclusions from the field of research, Pirke Hekhalot arranges the Hekhalot traditions not according to their accepted division but according to their relevant topics. This division apart from making order in the mystical traditions makes them accessible to the contemporary reader and even sometimes creates a fascinating narrative sequence.